I’m not going to lie. I was really hoping for a coffee shop to open up in the retail spots on the corner of Dawson and Willingdon. One by one other stores started filling in the leases, but I was holding out hope for this last little spot.
A few weeks ago a sign for F45 went up on the door and my heart sank a teeny tiny bit...
until I googled what F45 is and I was totally wrong to be sad. We're lucky in Brentwood to have this fitness studio opening!
Not a regular old gym, F45 Burnaby West has 45 minute high intensity (like, really really high intensity) workouts all about functional training that mimics or recreates everyday movement. The class workouts are always changing, challenging your muscles to work harder. Workouts like Hollywood, Romans, Wingman, Flamingo and Firestorm focus on burning calories and your muscles.
In their own words... “F45 Training combines elements of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), Circuit Training, and Functional Training. The fusion of these three training concepts has lead to the development of 31 different, 45 minute workout experiences, with more in development by our F45 Athletics Department. This combination of interval, cardiovascular and strength training has been proven to be the most effective workout method for burning fat and building lean muscle.” Sounds intense(ly awesome), right?
If you’ll want more from your workout, there’s even the F45 Challenge program that will focus on everything from food to friends to whip your butt into shape. This might be a nice option for people like me who just had a baby or anyone else who needs a little extra help to see results.