Brentwoodians, are you jazzed for the Willingdon Linear Park that’s under construction?
Okay, so driving and walking and transiting around the construction is a bit of a pain, but the park is really starting to take shape on the Brentwood end of things.
If you haven’t had a chance to check out the city's plans for the big project, I think you’re in for a treat. The Willingdon Linear Park will span 13 blocks along the east side of Willingdon, creating a vital and visually awesome path connecting Brentwood and The Heights (two of North Burnaby’s best neighbourhoods— and yes, we’re biased.)
The park will consist of a paved pathway, seating, interactive installations, trees, lights and a gathering area or two.
Willingdon Linear Park is funded by the Community Benefit Bonus Funds, which is a moneypot filled by building developers with projects in the area. Yup, that makes this park freeeeee to taxpayers (my favourite price tag).
Of course, everything isn’t sunny with the new design. Cycling groups are raising concerns over plans for the shared pathway, citing research showing the dangers of mixing cyclists, pedestrians and turning traffic. A petition is around for the creation of a separated bike path along the project. However, the city is pressing forward with the planned design.
Are you excited for this pathway? Personally I’m looking forward to breezing up to The Heights for a date night or morning coffee. Maybe I’ll pick up a pair of rollerblades!
Check out this video for a nice little visual descriptor from the city.
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